“God has called you by name and made you his own”
Confirmation services are held locally each year, when candidates renew their Baptismal vows before a Bishop.
Candidates should be aged 10 years or over and are instructed in basic Christian doctrine; the use of scripture; and the practice of public worship and private prayer.
Instruction also includes the implications of Christian belief for personal behaviour and morality.
Enquiries from possible candidates should be made to:-
Revd Michelle Edmonds
Please contact the Team Rector about the next date for confirmation
The Vicarage, 2 Chelsham Road
Warlingham CR6 9EQ
01883 624125
Enquiries for Banns, Baptisms, Marriages and Blessings can be made in person at the Parish Office in the Church Hall, Warlingham Green, on Saturday mornings from 10am - 11am.
Link to the Church of England information on confirmation